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jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Cuidado: malware posiblemente peruano ronda en Internet

Undoubtedly the cybercrime strategy is not just an eastern European matter. These attacks are committed through web applications like Malware Kits or Exploit Packs which look not only to centralize the stolen information, but also look to have a base platform that allows cybercriminals a place for rapid configuration (sometimes known as a Command and Control, or C&C).
Latin America has ceased to be a neglected region for cyber-attacks and has since become a suitable area for the local development of crimeware for managing botnets. This is further evidenced by the discovery of a criminal program, developed in Latin America (possibly from Peru), and called S.A.P.Z (Sistema de Administración de PCs Zombi - Zombie PCs Administration System).

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